- Year of Birth: 1945
- Birth Place: Irbid
- Graduation Country: USA, Egypt
- Last Position: - Chairman of the National Society for Consumer Protection.
- Qualifications:
- PhD / Business Administration / Marketing, New York University.
- Master / Business Administration / Marketing, New York University.
- Bachelor of Business Administration / Al-Azhar University.
- Professional Experiences:
- A professor at the University of Jordan / Faculty of Business
- Chairman of the National Society for Consumer Protection.
- Chairman of the Arab Union for the consumer.
- A researcher in the fields of consumer behavior and marketing.
- Member of the boards and special committees to consumer issues since 1991 and up to the present time.
- Advisor to the Omani Authority for Consumer Protection.
- Email: Consumer@go.com.Jo
Membership of Committees :
- Finance and Economic Committee
- Education Committee
- Agriculture and Water Committee