- Year of Birth: 1964
- Qualifications: Graduated from the University of Jordan in 1986.
- Professional Experiences:
A female judge in the Court of Cassation is the first Jordanian judge to hold this position
A judge in the Amman Court of First Instance in 2002 and was referred to the Court of Appeal in 2004.
held the position of Director of the Directorate of International Relations at the Ministry of Justice for nine months in 2004-2005.
President of the Court in the Court of First Instance in West Amman
Director-General of the Jordanian Judicial Institute based on the decision issued by the Judicial Council on 10/10/2018 appointing her as Director-General of the Institute for a period of two years.
Membership of Committees :
- Legal Committee
- Labor and Social Development Committee
- Woman Committee