Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs

  • Home
  • Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs
  • Year of Establishment: 1928
  • Ministry's Functions: Recruiting qualified human resources from different fields to compensate the current shortage in manpower and upgrade its efficiency. Qualifying imams, preachers and orators. Expanding the fields of endowments in quality. Developing religious tourism and investing in its locations economically as well as defining investment priorities and producing the required bases for the best possible projects and investments all over the kingdom and increasing the revenues of almsgiving and demanding the enactment of a legislation to make it obligatory.
  • Fixed Line(s): 5666141 06
  • Fax: 5602254 06
  • E-mail:
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  • P.O. Box: 659 Amman 11118
  • Address: Jabal Al-Hussein/ Al-Razi street