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Former Kings
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Abdel-majeed Mohammad al-aqtash
Former Lower House
Abdel-majeed Mohammad al-aqtash
Abdel-majeed Mohammad al-aqtash
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Year of Birth: 1945
Graduation Country: KSA, Egypt, Jordan
- PhD. in Legitimate Policy
- Master in Legitimate Policy
- Bachelor in Law
Professional Experiences:
- Assistant Professor, King Saud University, Riyadh, 1987-1993.
- Part-time lecturer at different universities and colleges In Jordan ; Petra University, Faculty of Da'wa and Theology, Intermediate University College, International Islamic University of Science, Applied University, Middle East University .
Phone: 0795554960
Governorate: Amman
Electoral District: National list
No. of Votes: 68149
Representative Seat: National list
Former Membership of Lower House:
Membership of Political Parties: None
Membership of Civil Society Organizations:
- Member of the Islamic Relief.
- Member of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth.
- Member of the advocacy of the Palestinian people.
- A social activist.
The vote of confidence: حجب الثقة
membership of former lower houses: Member in the 12th and 13th parliament
Membership of Parliamentary Committees: Administrative Committee Palestine Committee
Membership of Parliamentary Blocs:
General Features of the Political, Economical and Social Programme: