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Wafa Saed Bani Mustafa
Former Lower House
Wafa Saed Bani Mustafa
Wafa Saed Bani Mustafa
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Year of Birth: 1979
Graduation Country: Jordan
Last Position: Lawyer
Qualifications: Master in Law
Professional Experiences: Lawyer
Email: wbanymostafa@yahoo.com
Governorate: Jerash
Electoral District: Electoral District – First
No. of Votes: 1580
Representative Seat: Quota
Former Membership of Lower House:
Lower House 17
Lower House 18
Membership of Political Parties:
Membership of Civil Society Organizations:
1- Jordan Bar Association
2- Elected Member in the Association’s Sub-Committee, Jerash
The vote of confidence: حكومة سمير الرفاعي: حجب - حكومة معروف البخيت: حجب - حكومة عون الخصاونة: حجب
membership of former lower houses: None
Membership of Parliamentary Committees:
Membership of Parliamentary Blocs:
General Features of the Political, Economical and Social Programme:
Achieving a real and rapidreform process by introducing a number of constitutional reforms whichstrengthen the authority of the Parliament, by developing the partisanshipprocess and improving freedoms of assembly and speech. Achieveing justiceon the basis of equal opportunities, justice in distribution of theincomes, and community solidarity. Furthermore, fighting corruption, andintroducing a uniform law for trade unions and professional associations inaccordance with international standards for democratic trade unions. Expeditingthe endorsement of laws related to elections, municipalities anddecentralization