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Nawaf Fares Alkhawaldeh
Former Lower House
Nawaf Fares Alkhawaldeh
Nawaf Fares Alkhawaldeh
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Year of Birth: 1947
Graduation Country: Jordan
Last Position: 1- Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company 2- Jordanian Armed Forces
Qualifications: Diploma
Professional Experiences: Member of the eleventh, thirteenth and sixteenth parliament.
Phone: 0777348549
Governorate: Al Mafraq
Electoral District: Electoral District – First
No. of Votes: 3932
Representative Seat: Muslim
Former Membership of Lower House:
Lower House 19
Membership of Political Parties:
Membership of Civil Society Organizations:
The vote of confidence: حكومة سمير الرفاعي: منح - حكومة معروف البخيت: منح - حكومة عون الخصاونة: منح
membership of former lower houses: Deputy 11th Lower House
Membership of Parliamentary Committees:
Membership of Parliamentary Blocs:
General Features of the Political, Economical and Social Programme:
Improving the standard ofliving of citizens through achieving justice and equality in the distributionof development gains. Fighting corruption. Merging investment concernedinstitutions into one single institution through flexible investment
which are capable to attract foreign investments. Re-examining the pension’sstructure for retired ministers to reduce expenses, as well as restructuringthe salaries of retired military personnel and strengthening the independenceof the judiciary authority.