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Jamil Thalji Nimri
Former Lower House
Jamil Thalji Nimri
Jamil Thalji Nimri
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Year of Birth: 1952
Graduation Country: Italy
Last Position: A Daily columnist in Al-Ghad news (2005-2010)
Qualifications: Bachelor in Pharmacy
Professional Experiences:
- A Daily columnist in Al-Ghad news (2005-2010)
- Member of the Board of Directors of Radio and Television Corporation 2009.
- A daily columnist and political analyzes-Al-Arab al-Yawm newspaper.
- Author and presenter of a political talk shows television programs (the agenda of, Triangle dialogue, with no restrictions) on Jordanian TV (1996-2007)
- Editor and then editor of the weekly parents (1990-1993).
5678916 06
5694580 06
99012100 07
77488048 07
Email: jamil.nimri@gmail.com
Governorate: Irbid
Electoral District: Electoral District – Second
No. of Votes: 2799
Representative Seat: Christian
Former Membership of Lower House:
Lower House 16
Membership of Political Parties: Founding member and spokesman for the former Democratic Left Party.
Membership of Civil Society Organizations:
- President, Jordanian Society for Democratic Culture
- President, Journalists Club
- Social Democratic Thought Forum
Chairman of the Jordanian culture of democracy
§ Member of committees and bodies and program director about the political development and youth
§ founding member and spokesman for the Democratic Left Party, formerly
§ Member of the Board of Pharmacists Association and the supervising authority on the Professional Associations Complex 1988-1990
§ political activist and trade
The vote of confidence: منح الثقة
membership of former lower houses: Member in the 16th parliament
Membership of Parliamentary Committees: Administrative Committee National Guidance and Media Committee
Membership of Parliamentary Blocs:
General Features of the Political, Economical and Social Programme: