General Features of the Political, Economical and Social Programme:
Inconformity with the program presented by the National Labour Bloc, Altarawnehseeks to create a political system based on social justice, freedom, democracyand respect for the rule of law, as well as combating poverty andignorance.
Importance of national unity in facing political, economical, social andadministrative challenges. Achievement of political reform through revisingsome constitutional articles and formulating a modern elections law that meetsand fulfills all community groups’ aspirations. Existence of political partiesthat work for the benefit of the homeland and the citizen. Reconsidering themunicipalities' merger. Amending the law of public gatherings, and fightingagainst all forms of corruption. Effective handling of economic problems,especially unemployment, by creating job opportunities for the youth andreducing debt as well as encouraging investment, attracting investors andgiving attention to the tourism sector. Creating administrative and educationalreforms. Alatrawneh furthermore stresses the importance of free speech, and thenecessity for media to remain objective. Pay due attention to the youth sector.Supporting agriculture, small farmers and the livestock sector in addition tosupporting the armed forces.